What We Offer
We have been constantly improving our services since our opening in 2006!
Air Traffic Control
We are always looking for new recruits in the Hong Kong vACC. Apply under the Join Us section of the website.
Join UsVATSIM Hong Kong vACC Discord
Want to make friends and talk to staff and controllers? Join our Discord with the button below! Please set your Full Name and CID as shown on your VATSIM account as your Discord nickname when joining.
Join our DiscordBeat the time while flying Long Haul
Yes, flying long haul can be relentless but could we recommend some great Hong Kong Specific activities which can beat the time. Some great movies we suggest is Infernal Affairs (無間道). We also recommend the Hong Kong T.V. series Triumph in the Skies 衝上雲霄. As for music, we suggest many different songs!
Hong Kong FIR Waypoint WordlePilot Info
Are you flying out of Hong Kong for the first time? Check out our pilot center for details on specific Hong Kong Procedures.
Pilot BriefingsFeedback
Want to leave some feedback? Did one of our controllers blow you away or did they make you want to go away? Regardless we would love to hear your feedback. Please visit the VATSEA HQ, login with your CID and password and note the CID and position of the controller.
VATSEA-HQ ATC Feedback LinkKai Tak Operations
We do run Kai Tak Operations! And don't you worry if this wind is 310 at 10 knots as we will still let you fly the Historic IGS 13 Approach. We have a yearly Kai Tak Staff up event as well so feel free to join us!
Hong Kong OverloadFrequently Asked Questions
Common questions that we usually get asked about.